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Sweet Memory

Rahma in Canon Malaysia
I feel so sad when I remember my story when I was at oversea, malaysia bacause I miss it so much. I had so much memory there, even I just there for only two years as the factory worker. I never regret that I’ve ever been there, although it’s not easy to live far away from my family. Being a factory worker is not easy too. I must work hard from dawn to dusk everyday. I did all the job, that I’ve never did before. I did responsibility that I have. Sometime I get scolded because my fool. But overall thanks a lot for all of the friends, supervisor, manager and all of the seniors. They helped me a lot, so that I can do my job much better.
I love living in Malaysia. In my opinion, all of Malaysians people are kind and so friendly. When I was arrived in the KLIA airport for the first time, there was a Malay people helped me and my friends to find out the way to Imigration area. That kind uncle sincerely helped us, although he didn’t know who we are. And all Malay people are so helpful. I was so excited to find people like them.
At the first day I worked in the factory, I didn’t know what I should do. I was so confused and afraid that I would make a mistake. Secondly, I didn’t understand with their Malay language which is a bit different with Indonesian.  When the supervisor explained me about the factory and the job, he spoke very fast in Malay dialect that was confusing. I just kept silent, pretend that a was understand evenmore I didn’t know at all what he actually speak about.
The senior were really kind and warmhearted, she used to invite me to join with them in break time since I always alone to go anywhere. They asked me a lot about Indonesia, and treat me as her daughter and their sister. I tried my best to learn Malay and do my job well. I brought a little note everywhere in my pocket to write down the new things or the things  just I know. I learn to speak in Malay although it sounds so funny for the first time. I listen carefully when others spoke to catched up what their mean. It so hard for me, I just like a junior high school student who study listening section. When I was at dorm, I opened up my note, I learned much about my job and memorize what I should do tomorrow. I tried to be dicipline and to not make my senior disappointed. I also tried my best in every aspect in front of them so they will have a good perception about Indonesian young lady because I was representative Indonesian people in my factory.. SO that, they understand that Indonesians are not as bad as they think before.
During the break time I always not go to break, because in the early I don’t have enough money to buy meal and food. When the Malay person asked my why not go out, I answered that I am still full.  I just went to canteen at second break at 12 pm. Join the lunch with other Indonesian people to eat the food that we’ve broght from home. My seniors put a bit pitty to me, but I say I am OK. Although I just eat rice with fried egg or noddle, but I still grateful.
When the technician asked me to do some job, such us sorting NG part, I did my job well and fast. “I must be a dilligent worker, and I must success like them one day”, I said to my self. I believed that I can, If I work hard.  I sat sillently and keep concentrate in doing my job. My Malay friend next to me say that I should not work as hard as that, I should do slowly in order to not fell tired soon. But I refused that opinion. I am OK in my way of working. Because I did my job well, my supervisor gave me overtime, to help sorting part in assembly line. I was so surprised, I loved do it, because more overtime means more salary. That was my first overtime, and I was first to receive better salary among of my Indonesian’s friend.
I still remember when I pass first Ramadhan month  in Malaysia. We are all the moslem people should do fasting for a month. That was my first time fasting when I far away from my family. I do sahur (we eat before dawn and breakfast when the dusk. We’re forbidden to eat anything in the middle of that time) with all my friend, and I prepare it my self, an activity which seldom I do when I was with my family. And I do my fasting wholeheartedly. In that day I went to work alone, because I have different shift. I sat down in the edge of the road. I brought my little note, so I write down something on it. This is my note at that time
21 August 2009
To evening, I’m sitting down here,
in the edge of the road to wait for bus
to go to the factory.
It’s my first time I pass Ramadhan month in oversea, malaysia.
I don’t know, what I feel right now,
Happy?? Sad?? Regret or another.
I don’t know, bcz I just want to enjoy this time which is never back for twice.
I hope in this month will full of God
blesses and we can fast for s
month without any threat
I’m alone here, in the middle of noisy
I feel this world is so silent...
My message is so silly. But I love remember that story....


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