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Diary of Rahma

[Everybody must have a dream. So do I. I have a dream that I want to be someone who have much contribution for others]
  When I was a child, I want to be a doctor. Why??? My reason is so simple.  By being a doctor I can help another especially the poor people to get free health service. I want to serve in small village in the countryside of Indonesia. Because in there region, there were only a few health service and facility. 

But as the time move on, my dream has changed. I want to be a teacher because I really love studying and I want to transfer my knowleldge for others. I love studying so much. Being a smart student is so exciting. I know so many great person in my school. I have a big faith that I can make my dream come true.
When I was in Junior high school I love Math, Physic and English. So I want to be one of these teacher subject. Unfortunately, I can’t continue my study in senior high school.
 but I continue in vocational high school. I didn’t get much lesson in Math, Physic and Biology. But I get much in English lesson. So I think that I want to be an English Teacher.

I love English so much. I study more and more everyday. I study harder than other student in my class. And the result is so amazing. I have much better even the best skill in English. Since that time, I participate in some English competition, speech English, Telling story and so many others.
I get a trip to another city because of following English competition. In that time, I was so active but a bit shy. Some time I don’t confident in front of so many people. But I build my confidence a bit by bit.
In my young age, I have e deep thinking about education. I have a dream that I want to be a Ministry of Education. I do hope that all Indonesians are well educated so we can develop our country.
I want to give much contribution in education affair. Education is so important in our life. Education can lead our country become advance and high tech country such as South Korea and Japan.
That’s all my dream. And if someone ask me what is my dream, I will answer that I want my presence in this world can helpful others. That once in my lifetime I can contibute for others. And now I’m studying in Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo. Een if I experience so many challenge, but I will overcome my hardship with a big deal of persistence. I will never surender forever. I believe my dream come true. And I never hopeless. 
This hardship must make me become stronger and stronger. I must be better than other. This fate has a deeper meaning. And I know Allah know more about me. Allah always give the best for me. So I want live together in my society and serve other sincerely. Respect others and reflect a positive attitude in my daily activity.
Be a creative, innovative, and initiative. Give more and grateful everyday.
I want to give much contribution in education affair. Education is so important in our life. Education can lead our country become advance and high tech country such as South Korea and Japan.


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